Day 572
That's how far we've come since Marge entered our home for the first time.

I can't believe I've already been blogging a year. What's more, I can't believe how much we've done since the first time I wrote here, in a slightly cynical and sarcastic post that I called "Day 207." We passed the CGC test, battled a summer of hell and fireworks and now well on our way to a career of competing in our heart sport, agility.
Fear, which used to consume everything that we did, is now only one theme in a great book of adventures.

My blog and my blogging friends are things I really look forward to every day. Excitedly typing in the details of our day-to-day adventures, uploading agility courses and their corresponding videos, and sharing with others what it means to live with Marge are things I wouldn't change for the world.

I've learned things about myself, too - what I'm good at, what I need to work on. Many times I've gone back and referred to old posts and comments to see where I've been and what I used to change things along the way.

I've met some amazing people through my blog as well. I've celebrated with them on their own victories - training challenges, trial successes, and the little triumphs of every day - and they've celebrated with me on mine. Others created comics and edited pictures to put a smile on their readers' faces. I have been one of those people smiling.

I've seen some bad times, too - the passing of some blog friends on to the next world, the sickness of good people, and various other struggles. I hope that I've been as supportive to you guys during your rough patches as you have been to me.

So often I worry that my posts are too long or not interesting enough. After all, not everyone trains in agility or goes to class or does the same things we do, but you all have proven me wrong by being faithful readers and most of all, turning into a whole new group of friends. So, from the bottom of my heart, I thank you for helping me make MargeBlog what it has become.
How pawesome!
The blogs find a mind of their own! When we furst started, it was not unkhommon fur a week or more to pass between posts - and we had only a few khommenters -
As I pawed Wednesday evening to Fiona's Mom,, the blog world is pawesome!
We keep each other going - through the good and the bad -
It is just sad when sometimes the hooman fakhtor gets in the way and WE are furgotten due to egos and such -
Woo have done so much fur each other!
We are thrilled to khount woo as furiends!
Khyra and Her Mom
PeeEssWoo: I make sure I leave my mark on the snowpiles!!!
Awwww, what a nice post. I'm so glad you found my blog, or did I find yours?
Whichever it was, I love reading about Marge, she is a fascinating dog and you are doing such a great job with her.
I can't imagine a day without reading "my blog list"!!!! LOL.
What a nice post! For me, living in dirtville, my bloggy pals are a small way to stay connected to the world(s) I no long have access, whether it's competitive, rescue, training, fun at the dog park, lake or hiking. These are the same people Stumpy and I would be hanging with IRL.
Time surely does fly... when you're havin' fun.
I second all your thoughts, Sam!! It amazes me how much I feel like this network of people I've never even "met" are like family! Something will happen, and I'll think "I have to tell (insert blogger name) about this!" Your photos in this post are fantastic, especially the close-up of Marge's face & paws. And I applaud you for being so detailed about all your agility training - makes for a great journal for you to look back on. Although I've not had much to share with you in the video department lately, I hope to soon!!
Keep up the good work with Marge, and keep on bloggin!!!
Congratulations on your 1st year blogging. We enjoy reading about your many adventures with Marge and look forward to many more years. You two are amazing together.
Love Ruby & Penny
Congrad's on your 100th post. We can't wait to see what the next 100 bring..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
What a nice post! I love reading your blog, and thank you for being so supportive of mine too :) It's such a fun little network of agility and dog people on blogger. I haven't been reading for long, but Marge is such a cutie and I can definitely appreciate rescue dogs! You're doing such a great job with her, and I'm sure she is so thankful that you're in her life :)
You expressed my feelings so perfectly. On Jan 2, we passed our 1 year anniversary of blogging. When I started, I did it with the plan of learning to write about nature and dogs so that I could write a book someday. But, it's become so much more - such a source of support and friendship.
You have a loyal readership because you are an amazing dog guardian. Marge needed someone special and she won the lottery! Not many people would go to the trouble that you've gone to to help Marge. And, Marge has blossomed. So, your blog is really uplifting. I love reading about your successes and even your 'failures'. I must say that your 'failures' have become smaller and smaller over the time that I've read your blog.
I'm wondering if you're a typically aged college student (18-22) or if you're older. You seem far more mature than almost any of the students who I taught at university. Marge is lucky in that regard too.
Someday, I get this feeling that I'm going to be reading about your huge successes as a dog trainer and agility competitor. But, I could be completely wrong because you might have other plans for your life! Anything is possible for you!
Wowzer! How awesome is that! Congrats on your blogaversary!
And congrats to Marge for being awesome and doing so much!! I hope to be half as good as Marge, she's my role model (and she's a supermodel too!!)
How Pawtastic!! Congrats to you and Marge on a great first year!!
Woofs and Kisses!
Oh Marge,
What a lovely post! You are such a sweet and beautiful dog and we always enjoy reading your blog.
Congratulations on your first year of blogging.
Riley and Star.
P.S. Beautiful pics.
Congrats to you on one year of writing and also on all the obstacles that you and Marge have overcome in your time together!
wow! I know the dates we got our dogs but not how many days its been!
very cool. A year goes fast. those are lots of words
Benny & Lily
What a nice post. Thanks for writing it. Diana
Great post! You echoed a lot of my own sentiments too - and I'm nowhere near 100 posts yet.
I really love your blog - whether it's posts about agility, training, or just Marge in general. I guess that's one great thing about dog lovers - we can read blog after blog of what other people might think of as insignificant, but we enjoy it like it's our own.
Also, not sure if you know or are interested, but there's an indoor agility match show on January 31st in Randolph, NJ. If you're interested, let me know and I'll email you or post the information on it.
"Fear, which used to consume everything that we did, is now only one theme in a great book of adventures."
Beautifully written. Congratulations on how far you've come, and on the many great adventures that await you.
Oh, and I especially adore that second last photo of Marge. :)
We love reading your blog and hearing about all the cool stuff you're doing!
LOVE the picture of Marge in snow! Are you building a cool snow fort??!?
Play bows,
Congrats on all you are, have accomplished and everything you do with Marge.
I'm always so jealous of your water photos and the number of comments you get. I think I'm impaired on both accounts.
Have a great weekend.
Hi, Sam!
As you know I am a wild girl who does not do any kind of agility or training but sure I love to read your posts about all the pawesome work you and Marge do!
Congratulations on your First Blogoversary and many more to come!
Kisses and hugs
What a wonderful year you have had. You have learned so many things and have the best (OK, second best) mom ever for sure.
aww congrats on your many posts
we are so happy to have become furryends
we live vicarously through you and your agility
we wish you many more wonderful posts and adventures
the houston pittie pack
could you peemail our mommish your mailing address cause we wanted to send you a valentine kissy card.
her peemail address is
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