Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Yesterday's Agility

Quick Layla Update: things are kind of the same.  I'm hesitant to say it, but her nose looks a TINY bit better than it did yesterday.  Vet had me bump up the dose of Prednisone to .4 cc for yesterday and today.  I can't believe it's already been a week; all I want, really, is for her nose to heal.  Keep sending her good vibes and thoughts.  My poor little cone head!

Yesterday's agility class came with an unexpected treat: only two people besides me were there, which meant we got a lot more time on course.  (Seriously, why do people pay for classes and then don't come?  I mean, it's fine with me, I certainly like the extra time, but I can't imagine spending that much money and then not using it!)

Again, no video.  I do promise to have video on Friday from the trial, though.  Here is the course map:

And, how I ran it:
  • Led out between 1 and 2 and continued running down the line to get to the dog walk.
  • Her dog walk contacts were extremely strange tonight.  My hunch is that someone peed in the grass near the base of it or something, because instead of doing a 2o2o, she was stoppping with all four legs in the yellow part of the contact area.  She usually does stuff like that when the grass is wet or smelly or something.
  • Sent her on to the jump and the tunnel; tunnel entrance was not difficult, and it was literally right in their path as they came over the jump.
  • The pinwheel-type thing was extremely tricky.  You had to decelerate so that the dog didn't take the dog walk again, BUT, if you decelerated too much, you pulled them off from the jump.  I think that's really the only thing I had trouble with.
  • Back cross to the weaves was fine; I was initially confused as to how my instructor wanted me to handle it, but once I figured out what she meant, it was a piece o'cake.
  • Front crossed the weaves and then front crossed again after the jump.  Marge could have just sliced the jump and then take off from there for the A-Frame, but Marisa said she wanted us to practice this.
  • !!!!! SHE DID HER A-FRAME CONTACT BEAUTIFULLY EVERY SINGLE TIME!  Oh, it was totally awesome.  Really hoping that she holds it at the trial.  I think she will.  She is totally getting it now.
  • Front crossed the A-Frame (mostly to proof her holding her contact), sent her over the jump and in to the tunnel, back crossed over the jump and then pushed/backed over the final jump.
Nice course.  It might have been the trickiest that we've seen at class so far this season, but it worked a lot of different skills and it was fun to run.

We had a visitor to class who is thinking about joining up.  Marge absolutely LOVED her and her smooth coated Border Collie.  I'm hoping they do join - perhaps for a selfish reason.. they passed the "Marge Seal of Approval" test with flying colors and it'd be nice to have another classmate who Marge gets along with!


Martha June 16, 2010 at 4:16 PM  

As you know we are not very knowledgable about agility but are big fans of Marge.
We are so proud to hear how well she did - especially with her A frame. We just know she will shine at the trial.
She is a star and we are also pleased to learn she has a new friend.
Love to poor Layla.
Martha and Bailey xxx

Golden Samantha June 16, 2010 at 4:26 PM  

WISH I understood those beautiful drawings better, but I know that you are doing soooo well, Marge! And... so cool that you met a pal you really like! I hope she joins your class too! I know you could teach her a lot!
Huge Hugs xoxoxo

Diana June 16, 2010 at 4:51 PM  

Sounds like class went great. I hope things with Layla get better soon. Diana

Cinnamon and Mint June 16, 2010 at 4:55 PM  

It's good to hear that Layla's nose is getting better. I will keep sending healing vibes your way.

It is also nice to hear that Marge's agility training is going well. I don't like wet grass or smelly patches either, so I try to go around a place like that as much as I can.

Sara June 16, 2010 at 5:03 PM  

Glad to hear you had a great class. I always like when we have a small class, less waiting around time.

Again, good luck at your trial! I'm sure you guys will do great!

houndstooth June 16, 2010 at 5:04 PM  

It's good to hear that both Marge and Layla seem to be improving!

The Army of Four June 16, 2010 at 5:27 PM  

We're still praying for Layla!
And it's cool that you got more time on the course! ALSO that Marge might have another buddy in class!
Play bows,

Chris and Ricky June 16, 2010 at 6:02 PM  

Glad Layla's nose is a little better!

We don't understand how people pay for classes and then don't show up either (occasionally mom has to work and we miss one but she absolutely hates that) but we enjoy the smaller class size too!

Difficult course! #9 to 10 looks really hard and the weave entry looks tough too. Glad you guys did it well!

KB June 16, 2010 at 6:26 PM  

We're sending Layla good vibes - heal girl, heal!

Sounds like a great class. K and I are working on our front and back crosses on our homemade agility courses. We're rusty but watching you and Marge is inspiring!

Sue June 16, 2010 at 6:42 PM  

I had the same thoughts in our last obedience class. Two thirds of the students dropped out after the first two weeks. I guess it seemed like too much work. Did they think just by walking in the door the dog was going to be magically trained?

Oh well, better for us.

Cyndi and Stumpy June 16, 2010 at 7:12 PM  

If the newbie got the Marge seal of approval then you know it's all good!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! June 16, 2010 at 9:22 PM  


What Stumpy's Human pawed!

Lorenza June 16, 2010 at 10:06 PM  

I still have my paws crossed for Layla!
Glad Marge had more time there and sure she enjoyed it!
Kisses and hugs

LauraK June 17, 2010 at 8:56 AM  

Sounds like you had a great class- I love when we get some extra running time! And I agree with you- it's amazing how many times people pay for classes then don't come, kinda crazy!

I hope your cat continues to get better, poor girly!

AC June 17, 2010 at 7:12 PM  

I was inspired to pull out some agility equipment I got after taking a few classes with Kona last year. Oh boy. We're not the team you guys are! Kona was also much more interested in chasing squirrels...maybe its not our calling ;)

Get well, Layla!

Anonymous June 18, 2010 at 11:12 PM  

Yay, Marge! I'm gonna keeps my paws crossed real tight that that other person and her doggie sign up. It would be really Most Wonderful to have a new furend!

Oh, and guess what? Me and mom passed our first Rally course! We prolly woulda done better but mom messed up on a couple of signs. She felt REAL bad about that but I told her it was okay and that I would helps her practice. Oh, and my teacher said that I was "born to Rally"! But I dunno if I wanna get tied down like that right now so I might try some other stuff.

Me and mom say thank you for helping us decide to gives Rally a try!

Wiggles & Wags,

BRUTUS June 19, 2010 at 7:10 AM  

Hope your trial is going well! We are SO agility deprived at the moment - will finally be getting back to work next Wednesday. Hope we remember how!


Kari in Alaska July 4, 2010 at 10:51 PM  

I used to love training classes when people failed to show up. One on one time is great

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