Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Day 1306

I'm actually late on celebrating MargeBlog's anniversary this year, since I completed three full years of blogging not today, but actually on this past Saturday.  Perhaps my belatedness is a good thing, though, since today truly reminded me of how far Marge has come in the over one-thousand days she has now spent with me.

The Marge of today and the dog I originally adopted -- the dog I first wrote about in January 2009 -- are truly not the same animal.  The dog I adopted was an extremely sensitive, afraid-of-the-world, yearling dog who, quite frankly, didn't have a clue about anything.   She was unsocialized to both dogs and people, and, to make matters worse, also had the additional challenge of learning to live in New York City, a place so far removed in so many ways from her upbringing in Ellijay, Georgia.

The Marge of three and a half years ago would have hit the end of the leash and pulled desperately away from the many people and dogs we encountered today while we were out together delivering my newspapers.  She would have never let those people pet them, nor would she have dealt well with dogs yakking at her from every direction.  Instead, she approached them (albeit, some more cautiously than others) and simply ignored the dogs who sent so much noise her way.

The Marge of three and a half years ago would not have been able to take a walk in a completely strange neighborhood, with two other dogs, without lowering her tail and pinning her ears to the back of her head. She wouldn't have whined with excited enthusiasm and anticipation as we drove down the road to see those friends, nor would she have tore across the yard with them in attempt to get them to play, like she did today.

The Marge of three and a half years ago would have never been excited to go in to a busy pet store in a busy parking lot, where men, women and children all ohh'ed and ahh'ed over her.  She wouldn't have looked up at me, smiling, as a toddler pet her all over from head to back to tail.  She wouldn't have accepted treats from those people nor would she have ever, ever wagged her tail to say hello to three total strangers who all happened to be 6' tall high-school age boys in uniform.

If her leash became undone in the front of that store, as it accidentally did today, there would have been a good chance that the Marge of three years ago would have darted away.  The Marge of today simply stood by my side and waited for the leash to be snapped back on.

The little things like this have really started to add up over the years.  I know that I am, without a doubt, experiencing the best years of Marge's life right now - still a young adult dog, but with enough time in New York under her belt to know that the world isn't a scary place and that there are good people and good things out there to experience.

Marge is literally the best dog I could have asked for.  She has taught me so much about dog training and truly catapulted me in to an interest in learning, training, and behavior.  The things we accomplish are made that much sweeter when we take a look back at our humble beginnings.


Sue January 25, 2012 at 7:55 PM  

You've both learned so much from each other. You've both ventured out of your comfort zones and helped each other move those limits. Congratulations, you've both accomplished so much and have so much fun ahead.

Deborah January 25, 2012 at 8:17 PM  

WOW...she is really the best behaved companion ever. You both did so much work to have her so well behaved.
Congratulations on your three year blogaversary and many more!

Roxanne @ Champion of My Heart January 25, 2012 at 9:44 PM  

It does add up. You've done all your hard work, and Marge has done all of her hard work. Congrats.

Shane Kent Louis January 25, 2012 at 9:51 PM  

oh really, today is your anniversary! Wow that is a great accomplishment for both of you! You really inspired us keep it up!

It's all About Pet Fences | Dog Fence

Diana January 26, 2012 at 7:29 AM  

Yea for Marge!!

andrea January 26, 2012 at 5:18 PM  

Amazing! :)

aren't you lucky to have each other?
I so feel that way about my team!

Amy / Layla the Malamute January 26, 2012 at 9:48 PM  

Aww!! Happy Anniversary Marge! You've given her such a great life. I don't just mean giving her food and taking her to play with friends, but you gave her life in the sense that she knows how to be happy now.

PS ~ I still feel special that she took hot dogs from me lol

Kathy Mocharnuk January 26, 2012 at 10:28 PM  

I remember when I first started following Marge when the CGC stilled seemed like a HUGE goal you were working toward, and Marge was just starting agility, rally and obedience. BOY it has been so cool and so exciting to see how she now just keeps going and growing by leaps and bounds, it is sooo cool, the sky is the limit for you too and it is so cool we all got to share in the journey with you both.

mayziegal January 27, 2012 at 6:38 PM  

So, so beautiful, Sam. What an amazing journey you have been on together. You're very lucky to have each other and I know the best is yet to come!


KB January 28, 2012 at 10:20 PM  

I remember your posts of a few years ago as you pulled your hair out over all of Marge's fears. This post made me smile, a huge smile from ear-to-ear, for you and Marge. You've come so far, and you've never given up.

Congrats to both of you.

Chris and Ricky January 30, 2012 at 8:33 PM  

Congratulations! Marge has come so far because of all your hard work, perseverance and love.

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