A play off the name of the book I should be reading right now for my NYC Seminar class, Ragtime.
But, it really is time for a bit of a brag, as Marge was totally fantabulous tonight in agility class.
We started with the handing stuff - turns, paw targeting, etc. Then we went on to the tunnel - Marge went through it without much hesitation! All it took was some roast beef.
She was even better on the dog walk - her problem there was that she was so excited she couldn't keep herself on it!
We did some jumps, too, but that's nothing new to Marge. The instructor actually had me take her over a jump to demonstrate how we do it to someone else. We'll be doing some more backyard agility to work on my handling in that area, as it definitely needs improvement. I think it's just that everything is harder when you have a leash to hold.
I snuck her through the tire while other people were practicing the dog walk and such, and she went through without much hesitation.
That leaves only a few obstacles. I know the teeter is going to scare the crap out of her. Not sure about the A-Frame. Pause table is no big deal, she's done that before. Weaves won't bother her, but from what I hear it takes a long time to get 'em right.
I'm glad she's having fun with this. She really seems in her element in the class. She's quite social (thanks largely in part to the treats flying all over, I'm sure) and really seems enthusiastic about the whole thing. Hopefully next week I will have pictures from the class.