Thanksgivin' Thanks
I have had such awful writer's block here on MargeBlog for the past week, possibly because of the extraordinary amount of writing I've done alone for what was supposed to be a group project. Fortunately, I get to give myself an extra day to think, because I promised Frankie that I'd let Marge speak for herself today and talk about how her life has changed.
Hallo. Marge here. FINALLY the hooman has given me another opportunity to write here for myself. It has been toooo long.
It went pretty well. The cat was confused, and I wanted to eat her poop, but it worked out okay. That was Joone 29th, the first day I got to see my new digs. I went to the shelter to sleep for one more night, and after work that Monday, my hooman took me home with her. Joone 30th - I was home for good.
It was the start of the rest of my life, and little did I know how much things would change!

My blog so often focuses on what my life is like now. With lots of training, walkies, agilities, that funny thing that my hooman calls "behavior modifications." But, I wasn't always here. In fact, I was far, far away from Poo York City when I was just a pupper.
I can't remember it all now. We dogs' brains are only so big, and, surely, I have more important things to remember like back crosses and which treat I feel like having on a given day. But, the jist of it is, I was sent as a tiny young'n, with my eyes still shut, to a scary place called "Animal Control." I'm not sure what I did to make them think they needed to control me, my momma Nellie, and my six brothers and sisters, but life's not very fair, I guess.
Somewhere along the line, some rescroo people came and got all of us. I don't remember much about my puppyhood with them, except that one of my littermates got adopted and so did my mom, eventually. Oh, there also weren't a lot of people around, very much less than the number of people here in Poo York. My hooman often says I was "raised on a mountain in Georgia," and I have a feeling it might be this that she is thinking of when she says that.
It's not that the rescroo people weren't nice. They even had us do some basic 'bedience training, just like the ones that I did last year with my hooman's club. But the problem was that there weren't so many of them around. How was I 'spose to know which ones were nice and which ones weren't? We were all really confused growing up there, and we wondered why none of us were getting adopted.
Turns out there's this thing that makes people not like dark colored doggies. So that's why all the other dogs were leaving, but we still had to stay. Eventually, when we were almost all growned up, they put us in cages on a big car-thingy and we went to Poo Jersey. Except, they didn't want most of us there, either (they said they had no space -- but I think they just didn't want black doggies!) and, in the middle of the night, we wound up in Poo York. Scatten Eyeland, to be exact.
The next day, my hooman came in for work, at the shelter - kind of like animal control, except less controlling and much nicer with toys and a play pen. The nice man, Frank, told her that there were nine new dogs from a big transport. She went to go see us all, and she says that I immediately caught her eye. She still remembers what cage I was in, too.
We all had to go out for our morning potty breaks, and she chose to take me out. It was nice walking behind the kennel and smelling all the Poo York smells. Much different than anything I'd ever smelled before!
I saw my hooman a couple of other times that week, coming in to the shelter to either work or volunteer. She would sit with me and play with me and my brothers.
On the day of her high school gradumacation, she braved up and asked her mom if she wanted to come see us at the shelter. That Saturday, she introduced my brother, Homer, and me to her mom. Her mom didn't like Homer, because she thought he was a lot more scared than me. (Don't worry, though - he found a home, too, and is doing great!) Her mom did like me, though, and the next day, I went to their house for a trial visit. I needed to win the approval of the queen of the house.

It was the start of the rest of my life, and little did I know how much things would change!
Ok, now that I've given my story, it is officially time to return to kitchen duty. I tend to run laps up and down the stairs if I smell ham being cooked and can't get to it. Tonight shall be no different! Especially when Grandma (my hooman's grandma) comes back over to our house tomorrow.. she can never seem to resist giving me a taste!
OK, the "hooman's" turn again. Goodness knows I can only part with my beloved blog for so long.
It really is amazing to sit back and think about all that Marge has been through in her life. This is a dog that was essentially deprived up a puppyhood. She didn't know what toys were when I first got her. She wasn't housebroken. She didn't know what to do with herself except sit in front of the TV, staring at us, probably still wondering in her own doggy way who she was, where she was, and how she got there.
The setbacks in training have been immense, yes. There are times when I want to scream and cry and rip my hair out of my head because I don't know what to do or if what I am doing is right or if it will help her. But it is still a miracle that we've gotten this far. A little black dog from Georgia, grew up on a mountain, still on that lifelong journey to learning about life in the face of innumerable sights and sounds. A dog whose courage reaches its peak as she begins to descend the A-Frame, a dog who can still have fun despite the vast shortcomings of puppyhood. My great friend, my biggest challenge, my resilient partner, my number-one teammate in the great big world of dogs.
I've got a lot to be thankful for this year. A healthy dog, a healthy cat, a mostly healthy family, a great boyfriend and a life more fortunate than many get to experience. When it all gets put into perspective, I can really see how lucky I am.

Mom's leaking after THAT one!
She's transported khanines that were in Marge's paws SOOOO she knows what she's been through!
Tank woo fur sharing this!
Happy Thanksgiving!
We agree with Khyra, a very emotional story with thankfully a very happy ending.
We had no idea people didn't want black dogs.
Our mum cannot go to a shelter and 'pick' a dog so somehow dogs seem to find her!
She gets so upset and wants to take every dog home - even black ones!
We are so happy you have such a great home and that you can forget all about that past.
We think you are so clever doing all your agility stuff you really would have no time to think about bad things.
What puzzles our mum though is how certain things trigger a reactions and she will never know why.
We know from reading your blog that can happen to you too and we all have to work through our fears and, at times, our reactions.
We were so happy to read your story Marge.
love and kisses
Martha & Bailey xxx
What a wonderful thanksgiving story! Marge is a lucky dog to have been rescued by you, but aren't we humans always the lucky ones in the end?
I love the photo of Marge next to grandma. My dogs do that with their grandma too. I've dubbed her "the foodlady", rather than grandma, because I'm sure that is what they call her in their brains.
Happy Thanksgiving.
Woof! What a great story. Happy Thanksgiving. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
Pawsome story!! So glad you and Marge found each other...Happy Thanksgiving! We are thankful you are our furiends :)
I think, that if Marge was trying to type/tell that sotry she would be to wiggly with joy.\with how everything turned out. My faith in things is restored when I think of connections...
Oh, your story takes my breath away. I was stunned to learn that two leggers don't like black dogs... I'm black. What is with them. Color doesn't matter. Hearts do!!! You fill your mom's heart and she has mended your sad one.
This is truly a THANKSgiving story. Thank YOU... BOTH!!!
Marge! I usually think that the journey is more important than the destination, but in your case, forget about the journey and enjoy the destination... your furever home!
I know what you mean about black dogs. I have a black mask which makes me more scary and PeeWee is all black just like you. My nephew, Misha, the cocker spaniel dog is black too. Good thing there are humans who think black is beautiful.
Happy Turkey Day.
Yes, the black dog curse in rescue (shelter workers will always say that black dogs are the highest percentage euthanized). So sad.
But you made the comment that sometimes you do not know if what you are doing is right. From my experience in working with some rescues that are very challenged - you are doing the right things for her by training, being a firm loving owner, and by letting her be a dog. Marge thanks you for that everyday.
Happy Thanksgiving.
Hey Sam & Marge, it's Brutus! Mom's letting me type the comment today :) Never heard before that humans don't lik eblack doggies as much... I know mom wanted a fawn girl puppy, so guess I'm really lucky she ended up picking me (I'm brindle, just look black - maybe that's why?). And yes, tomorrow is the big day for me in agility. Mom says she'll be taping my runs (good or bad) and will be sure to show them to you. Congrats, Marge on getting your CPE registration - the paperworks take forever to come through snail mail (still don;t have that part of mine).
Hope your grandma gives you some of that ham - I'm drooling just thinking of it!!
Turkey snorts-
Brutus the Frenchie
What a wonderful post...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Happy Thanksgiving Marge & Sam
We're so happy you two found each other.
Love Ruby & Penny
That made me cry Marge. I am so happy that you and your mom found each other. Dogs like Marge love so deeply and teach so many things, and I feel so sad for doggies that end up with no one looking at them long enough to see their potential, especially for reasons like they have a certain color, how silly is that?
...found ya somehow.Happy Thanksgiving to you and all the humans.
Luv treats and pie,
Benny & Lily
happy happy ending! Sometimes the long wait works out for the best!
Great story...
So glad for the happy ending...
Wrooo wrooo!
Wishing you and yours the most blessed of days as we break bread with friends and family or spend our time as a volunteer with any one of the numerous charities in need of our time and talents.
Peace, plenty, prosperity - my wish for the United States of America.
Thanks for sharing your story!
I love you and your mom a lot!
Thanks for being my friends!
Kisses and hugs
Poor Marge! I can't even imagine what would have become of tender Cooper had he ended up in the same situation.
Here's to our "special" dogs! They are a lot of work, but the results are so very worth it!
Much to be thankful for, indeed!
Take care!
I love those last 2 photos. Happy holiday weekend.
You two have come a long way. We're proud of the progress you've made and continue to make. We look forward to good things next year.
Love all the pics! Happy late thanksgiving.
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