Paws in the Sand
I'm on a break at college, stranded here without my trusty car (which needed work done on it), frustrated because my texts aren't sending to my boyfriend (we like each other, but our phones don't), who is supposed to be picking me up several hours from now. My internet connection is mostly nonexistent because of my location smack-dab in the middle of campus on a cold concrete outdoor bench.
What better time for writing a MargeBlog to remind me of the pooch I'm going home to?
As I hinted yesterday, Marge and I took a walk all alone on the beach yesterday. It lasted about an hour and spanned about 1.25 miles each way. That's a fairly long way when you're trudging through sand!
When we got there, Marge spotted the last vestiges of the now-gone beach season. As I've mentioned, dogs aren't allowed on certain New York City beaches during the warm months, but, in the winter time, they become paradise for dogs like Marge who'd rather walk with no one around.
Though the strip of beach isn't that wide, you still can't see over the dunes of sand to the path where joggers and bikers are usually found. It gives the illusion of being totally isolated. The sounds of the ocean, when the tide is rough, also helps to mask outside sounds.
And so we continued on as she wished, her agile black body moving swiftly across the wet sand.

Next, we explored one of the jettys. The tide was low and quiet, so we were able to walk alongside it. Marge stretched out to retrieve a treat that I had dropped, careful to not let the water gobble her up.

At the next jetty, Marge stood tall and looked out at the vast expanse of sand around her. This was quite a ways away from the first one pictured, but I didn't take many pictures in between since the sand can be kind of a boring background sometimes.
After walking through a field of beach grass and getting temporarily spooked by someone yelling loudly on the other side, we reached this old formation. It appears to be part of an old boat dock or something, and it's on a part of the beach that isn't used much even in the warm months, as far as I know.
Our final stop was one more jetty. We were now approaching the busy boardwalk and I surmised that Marge wanted a drink of water, so after this plummet down on to the sand, we started back the way we came.

We ran for some of the way back, though I tired out quickly. For the short time it lasted, it was exhilarating to move at such fast speed with Marge. If not for the fact that Marge was eager to get back, I may have dropped the long line. Here, she poses one last time after our little sprint, a total contrast to the sun reflection on the water behind her.
One final shot before we climbed upwards back towards the path, which I spoke about yesterday in the training update.

Needless to say, we were BOTH tired after this voyage! Still, it's usually great fun when we go out together, and I'm glad to have these scenic and special walks with her. Perhaps that's one positive of having a fearful dog - I'm forced to walk in beautiful places and take myself away from busy life in the city.
Wonderful photos! How cool to have your own private public beach (is that an oxymoron?).
Oh what a beautiful place for a walk. We so enjoy isolated beaches too. Mom lets the leash dangle so we can run and play of course she has to keep her eye out for bikers. The Red's like to chase those.. One dude was peddling very fast to stay in front of them one day asking mom is he should be scared.. Of course he was perfectly safe they just love to run...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
You are making us homesick again, Sam. I love the picture of marge jumping down.
That second to last shot is dreamy. Good one!
Hi Marge and Sam. What a grrreat time you had on that beach. Fun x's 2. Good to see.
That is just so pretty. You are very lucky to have such a pretty place to hike around at, and you are especially lucky to have such a great partner to go hiking with
I would love to go to the beach just to walk! How much fun that would that be!
Great pictures!
Those are beautiful pix! I especially like that second to the last one.
And I really wish we had a beach like that at the Kansas Ocean. I forgot to ask for a beach when I asked for an ocean. I've gotta write Santa about that!
Play bows,
What a wonderful tale of a terrific stroll on an abandoned beach!!! Spectacular photos, especially the next to last one, where Marge is silhouetted. Absolutely gorgeous!
Huggers xo
What a great khollekhtion of pikhs!
What a great walk! That 2nd to last picture is a framer for sure!! This reminds me of when I had horses - you'd train & train, and it was such a treat for them to just go out to the pasture and just be horses again. What a little piece of paradise you have there!
Michelle & Brutus
Oh how I wish there was a beach near here where I could walk my dogs. We'd have super zoomies, I'm sure.
Lovely pictures. It's odd to see the beach so deserted but it is cold in New York that's for sure. Mommy grew up there.
Keep warm!
Luv you Marge,
Riley and Star.
Yes, you are soooo lucky!
Kisses and hugs
Love all the pictures but the second from the bottom is particularly nice.
We love the beach although not too near.
It is calming and exhilerating at the same time!
Martha & Bailey xx
We don't get to walk on the beach often, but when we do, we really love it. Planning to go for a week after Christmas.
What a great place to walk. We loved all the pictures.
Love Ruby & Penny
My internet connection has been giving me trouble but I am so glad that I just noticed that I'd missed this post.
The photos are beautiful! I especially love the second to last one with Marge's strong physique on display in the sun. You and I like similarly fit dogs, thin enough to see the muscle definition. My dogs and Marge are so similar in that regard!
I'm happy that you had such a fun day with your girl!
Marge looks sooo cool :) Great quality pictures too, beautifully rich colors. What camera did you use?
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